A Guide to Reopening Your Business After Covid-19

Jun 8, 2020 | Business, Clients

Written by Marie Martin


You can almost hear it.

Across the country light switches are flipping, the roads are getting busy, computers and other machines are powering back up. People are getting back to work.

After months of closing workplaces, businesses, and enforcing social distancing, countries have begun to reopen their economies. We are slowly but surely getting back to our normal day to day living. This has presented business owners with new risks.

Businesses that reopen may be affected by the post lockdown risk, and companies that reopen irresponsibly may find themselves not faring well in a recovering economy.

Like me, I’m sure everyone is eager to get back to work, but life after COVID-19 can be confusing. The way things worked previously isn’t how it will work now, especially early on after the lockdown. The best way to be successful is to ensure the safety of your workers and customers.

Below is a list of guides or tips that will guide you as you reopen your business. Remember, every business is different, so you must tailor each of these to suit your type of business.

Avoid Personal Contact

Making a “no personal contact” rule will go a long way in ensuring the safety of your workers and customers. Handshakes and hugs are the most common form of physical contact, especially in the business world, but they don’t belong in a post COVID-19 world.

But you have to make rules to ensure no physical contact until later phases of reopening. You could also use an alternative way of communication in your workplace that doesn’t involve physical contact.

Avoid Large Gatherings

As we all know, humans are social animals. There is an uncontrollable need to communicate and gather. Every community has a place where people gather to make jokes, gossip, and talk in general, and so does every workplace.

Right now, this must be stopped. So, it would help if you made rules that prevent people from gathering people in a place.  

Readjust Your Floor Plan

Readjusting your floor plan to create more distance or space between your employees and also your customers is a good safety measure. Also, adjust your employees to face walls instead of each other.

Avoid Item Sharing

Items like pens, notebooks, and folders could be assigned to specific workers, or you could simply digitalize your workplace. This will reduce contact between your workers and also maximize work time.  Shared tools must be sanitized before and after each employee uses them.

Adjust Breakroom Rules

Everyone needs a respite from working, so how you handle the breakroom rule is essential. If your business has a breakroom, then adjusting the break time of each department will help avoid large gatherings.

Limit the Number of People In a Closed Room

It’s best to limit the number of people in closed rooms like conferences, seminars, and board meetings.  Each phase will have different specifications.

Hand Sanitizing Stations

Creating sanitizing stations is compulsory. Maintaining sanitizing stations for both your workers and your customers ensures both safety and customer confidence. If your place feels risky, customers might not do business with you.

Disinfecting and Cleaning Your Business Place

Coronavirus can survive on the surfaces of objects for some time, so it’s best to disinfect and clean your business periodically. This helps to kill the virus on every surface in your office. You might think this is too stressful, but remember safety builds customer confidence and, in turn, generates profits.

Proper Disposal

Ensure your employees dispose of used items properly. Providing lined trash bins for disposal is important.

Posters and Notices

Office rules, including placing notices about COVID-19 precautions, safety, and contact procedures, can help inform and educate both employees and clients.

Laws and Policies

Reviewing and updating your policies following the country and state laws will help your business avoid issues.

Thanks for checking our guide, and if you find this article useful, please pass it on. Or if you need someone to look over your policy, contact us. Stay safe.

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