Many business owners wait until the next financial crisis before carrying out a financial audit. Making financial reports can be hectic and time-consuming. A lot of time is lost digging through records, receipts, and tax documents. Benefits of a Financial Audit...
Have you ever felt so confused after speaking with your accountant? If so, don’t fret! We’ve compiled different accounting terms and abbreviations along with their meanings. However, while this would do great for a business owner, it’s for anyone interested in...
Year-end is usually the time to take stock and review the current year. For small businesses, it signals the completion of an accounting period – hence the need to put things in order in preparation for the next period. As a business owner, you must close your...
Bookkeeping is an essential part of a business. Unfortunately, many business owners tend to overlook it either due to carelessness or over-delegation of financial responsibilities. When the latter is the case, the individual(s) are in total control of the finances....
Data from the United States Small Business Administration show that about 50% of every new small business in the United States will fail within the first 5 years. So why do small businesses fail? Bad financial management. Good financial management begins with knowing...
As the calendar turns, it won’t be long until annual taxes are due. Business owners have different categories they can claim as deductions. Here are 10 categories to remember when seeing your tax professional: Employee Pay and Benefits Everything you pay your...
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