When starting a company or managing a business, it’s easy to overlook certain things. Our hands are full of so many concerns. One thing you should never forget is your finances. Not only do major corporations need to keep an eye on their numbers, but the success of...
There are times when cash accounting might seem like the best option. Smaller businesses and startups are free to choose between cash accounting and accrual/GAAP accounting. Timing is the main difference between the two accounting methods. Unlike cash accounting,...
Whether it’s about getting more organized, keeping better records, tracking cash flow and tracking expenses, making better use of your financial statements, or finally contracting a professional bookkeeping service, developing a strong bookkeeping strategy will always...
Small business bookkeeping is sometimes a contentious subject, with business owners digging in hard to set up camp on their own chosen side. Some swear by staff help, others love the ease of contracting with an outside service. Still, there are those who only want to...
Running a small business is not easy. With access to limited resources, you have to be extra careful, as you cannot afford to make too many mistakes. Chances are that you tackle almost every process on your own, including bookkeeping. While this works alright for some...
If you are a small business owner, then QuickBooks Online is an excellent financial management tool. Regardless of the type of business or services you provide, QuickBooks accounting software helps you manage your inventory, payroll, track revenue, print important...
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