Exercise at Your Desk

Jan 27, 2020 | Clients, Customer Service

Written by Marie Martin


Did you know you can exercise at your desk? There are several exercises devised for busy people who are always at their desks and people who don’t have the time to exercise as often as they would prefer.

These exercises can help improve your health and well-being. Also, we understand that work can get exhausting, and it’s helpful if you can take breaks, relax, and then refocus on the job at hand. Here, you’ll find great exercises designed to help you relax and keep you in shape.

Wall push-ups

Wall push-up is the simplest exercise you can do in your office. It requires no tool, just you and your walls.

How do you go about wall push-ups?

Stand a few steps away from your office wall, lean towards the wall, and place your hands flatly and apart on it. After that, lower yourself towards the wall, and then push back up until your arms are straight. Now, do that at least 15 times.

There’s a rule, though. You have to maintain a straight line from your head to your toes for wall push-ups to be effective.

Arm pulses

Are you looking for a simple exercise that works your triceps and shoulders? Look no further than arm pulses.

You might want to stand up. Alright, place your arms by your sides and have your palms face back. Now, pulse your arms backward for at least 20 seconds while keeping them as straight as possible.

Pretend jump rope

Before you become like “Akeelah and the Bee” in your office, you won’t really jump any rope, so don’t worry. Here’s what this exercise entails:

Hop on both or either of your feet as you would with a jump rope. Subsequently, increase the intensity of the hops by moving your arms.

Standing rear pulses

This is another simple exercise. All you need for standing rear pulses is your desk.

Hold the edge of your desk for support, bend one leg behind you, and flex the foot. Next, raise your heel a few inches; release it slightly to press the foot directly back behind you.

Repeat the routine for at least 20 times, and then switch the legs.

Calf raise exercise

Stand behind your chair and hold it for support. After that, raise your heels until you are standing on your toes. Next, slowly lower yourself until you’re standing back on your feet.

Arm circles

Firstly, stand and have your arms and feet apart. Straighten your arms and stretch them further apart at your shoulder height.

Lastly, move your arms in a small backward circle. And that’s arms circle! To make it fun and more effective, switch directions after every 20 circles.

Wall sit exercise

Slide your back down your office wall until your hips are at the same level as your closed knees. Maintain that position for at least 30 seconds before releasing yourself.

Desk push-ups

Desk push-ups are like a typical bodyweight exercise. Mind you; your desk ought to be strong enough to support your body weight.

With that said, take a few steps backward from your desk. Place your hands flat on the desk, and spread out your arms just a little wider than your shoulder width.

Next, lower yourself to your desk and push back up until your arms are straight. Try that for at least 15 times.


Place one of your legs in front of the other. Gently lower the knee of the leg behind towards the ground. Next, switch the legs after every ten lunges.

Oblique twists

To do an oblique twist, you need a swivel chair. Sit upright and let your feet hover on the floor.

Hold onto the edge of your desk. Next, use your core to swivel your chair from right to left (or left to right). Repeat the routine for at least 10 times. 

Triceps dips

To do this exercise, you need a stationary chair so that you won’t fall off. You don’t want to create a scene in your office.

Now, scoot to the front of your chair, stretch your arms backward and place your palms flat on the chair.

Subsequently, bend your elbows straight back to lower yourself several inches. Lastly, straighten your arms to rise back – voila! That’s a complete dip. Repeat that 20 times.

Triceps stretch

Sit on your chair now, raise one of your arms, and bend it back until it is touching the opposite shoulder blade. Next, use your other hand to pull the elbow of the former towards your head.

Maintain your position for at least two deep breaths, and then switch the arms. It’s okay if your arms can’t reach your shoulder blade. Just bend it to a comfortable limit.

Chair squats

Stand up from your chair, and lower your body down – stop right before sitting. Now, stand up again to make a complete chair squat. You may hold onto your desk for support. Keep your weight in your heels.

Seated Bicycle crunches

Of all the exercises to do in offices, seated bicycle brings the ultimate fun. More so, it helps you to make good use of your crunch time.

What to do?

Sit in your office chair, and place your feet flatly on the floor. Then, position your hands behind your head and lift your knees towards an opposite elbow while twisting your body towards that same elbow.

Repeat the routine 15 times and switch to the other knee.

There you have it! Whenever you want to exercise real quick while on the job, try these exercises. Trust me; they will make you feel so good!

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