Getting More Customers Online

Oct 15, 2020 | Business, Clients

Written by Marie Martin


Everyone running a business should have an online networking and marketing strategy for long term growth. Meanwhile, there can be no growth without customers and no customers without proper marketing and networking.

So many people use the internet and social media, and they use it a lot! This makes getting your online message very important.

But how can you market your brand online? How do you network with the right people? How do you create a powerful customer base? Below you will find simple strategies that will help your business grow.

Social Media

As said earlier, social media is widely used by billions of people; this includes your potential customers. You should leverage the use of social media to help you establish a brand presence. 

However, to succeed with social media marketing, you have to put out relatable and fantastic content. You have to stand out from other brands, network with other brands, and give people a reason to follow you. When you combine amazing content with an engaged audience, the traffic to your brand will dramatically increase


Sponsorship isn’t for big brands alone. If you do not have the kind of budget for massive sponsorship, then go for affordable ones.

Something as simple as sponsoring or sending your products to an influencer, blog, or even podcast with large followings will draw new customers to your business


To get customers online, you have to build a strong online presence. One of the best ways to do that is to have a website or blog for your brand. Millions of people read blogs every day. To get the attention of people, put out quality content with good SEO and keywords.

Although blogging doesn’t bring overnight success, it will help you build your industry’s authority, which will eventually snowball into visibility and sales.


Connecting with others, especially those in the same industry as you, will go a long way to help your business grow.

Networking with the right people can help you find customers, business partners, staff, and valuable leads. 

You can network face to face through social events. Also, platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn can help you network online with others in your industry.

Email Marketing 

New and small businesses often overlook email marketing. Meanwhile, building an email list is one of the best methods to generate leads and develop a relationship with your customers.

Take your time to build a list using email automation platforms like Mailchimp and include the email subscription option on your web pages.

With an email list, you can easily notify customers about new products, discounts, and promos, tips related to your business, and more.

This will help you retain past customers and keep them updated on your business.

Promos and Free Samples

Everyone loves freebies, and while this might not make economic sense, it is the best way to get customers to experience your brand. You can give new customers free shipping if they order at a particular time, offer discounts, do giveaways, offer a free consultation, and more.

This will encourage your customers to shop with you.


One of the best ways a business can get new customers is through referrals. These contacts can happen through word of mouth or you can create a referral program encouraging current customers to tell others about your business.

Guest Post on Industry Blogs

Asides from owning a blog, another effective way to market your business is by collaborating with popular bloggers in your industry. A great way to collaborate is to secure a guest post on a popular blog. You’ll build a lot of backlinks and search algorithms with guest posts.


Advertising is a popular forms of driving traffic to your business. Invest in ads to target your potential customers. You can experiment with easy ads like Google Ads, Instagram ads to help your customers find you.

Online marketing isn’t for big companies alone. Small Businesses can take advantage of free marketing tools to promote their brand to the right audience. 

The above tactics are mostly free and will help you attract high-value customers who will improve your business growth. 

All you have to do is take time to utilize them and be consistent with promoting your business!  Do you need help with your social media and marketing?  Contact us today and we can put you in touch with one of several amazing marketing specialists on our referral team!

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