Nobody wants to pay more taxes than they must. However, there are things you can do to limit your risk of an audit. Doing one’s taxes requires an attention to detail. An attempt to minimize your tax liability by getting into the IRS’s grey areas can cause...
The tax season is almost here, and several small businesses defer their tax proceeds in fear of what’s to come. No worries, we have come to remind you of some tax items you may have overlooked. A lot of small businesses exclude daily expenses in their tax return...
Year-end is usually the time to take stock and review the current year. For small businesses, it signals the completion of an accounting period – hence the need to put things in order in preparation for the next period. As a business owner, you must close your...
When fraudsters engage in phishing, they often use the Internal Revenue Service to deceive victims. It is, possibly, the most mimicked government agency used in scams to get your personal information. Sadly, many people have lost a lot of money and their personal data...
The IRS has been trying to release a W-4 that more closely reflects the changes in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that was passed in 2017. These changes made by the TCJA affected itemized deductions that were normally claimed on a Schedule A and eliminated...
Businesses must examine the relationship between it and the worker to determine if the worker is an employee or a contractor. Distinguishing between these two is important to determine if an employer must withhold income taxes and pay Social Security, Medicare...
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